
Friday, January 7, 2011

Most Powerful People in the World

Have you ever wondered who are the most powerful people in the world? Well Forbes have formulated a list of the top 68 most powerful people. But I have only included the top 5. As you will see, the top 5 mainly consists of presidents and religious figures. But if you look at the rest of the list, you will see some entrepeneursor even outlaws. Forbes looked at a couple things to determine the ranking, namely does the person have influence over a lot of people? Population for a head of state, number of employees for a CEO, and the size of the audience for a media figure. Secondly they looked at the financial resources of each person. This entitled comparing GDP’s for political leaders, net worth for the billionaires, and Global Ranking of companies of the CEO’s. They also looked at if the person is influential in multiple areas. For instance, the Prime Minister of Italy being the owner of AC Milan soccer team.

 Okay so here it is.

1.     Hu Jintao – President of China.

2.    Barack Obama – President of USA

3.   Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud – King of Saudi Arabia

Considering they have the world’s largest reserve of crude oil in the world, this is an obvious choice.


  4.   Vladimir Putin – Prime Minister of Russia

5.  Pope Benedict XVI

Some interesting ranks are:

Bill Gates (Microsoft) – 10
Steve Jobs ( Apple) – 17
The 2 founders of Google – 22 & 23.  They aren’t the household names like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zukerburg. Hhhmmm wonder why?
Mark Zukerburg ( Facebook) – 40
Osama Bin Laden ( Al – Queda) – 57

See the complete list here 

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