
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best and Worst Movies of 2010

To start of this post, I need to introduce you to one of the best critic websites on the internet, namely Metacritic.

What they do is they take multiple reviews of a game, movie, albums, or a TV series, and they calculate an average for all the reviews to give you 1 rating for that item. See the picture below.

So usually when metacritic says a movie or a game is crap, then it probably is.

Anyway, they compiled a list of the best and worst movies of 2010. This gives you the perfect opportunity to pretend that you are a movie expert. So if somebody needs to know whether a movie is good or bad, they can ask you.
But you must remember these aren’t necessarily the movies that made the most money in 2010, but the movies that got the best reviews.  In other words, it’s usually art films or foreign films that get the best ratings. If you live in South Africa, it’s the movies that only show in Cinema Nouveau. But seeing that Metacritic is so awesome, they compiled a list consisting only of major film releases (i.e. no art films which we haven’t heard of anyway)

To avoid making this post too long, I will only mention the top 5 in each category.

The Best Major Releases of 2010.
1.       The social Network ( “Facebook Movie”)
2.       Toy Story 3
3.       The King’s Speech
4.       The Kids are all right
5.       True gift
One of my favorite movies of 2010 was Inception of Leonardo Di Caprio which is on nr 11 if you wanted to know.

The Worst Major Releases of 2010
1.       Vampires Suck
2.       The Last Airbender
3.       Killers
4.       The Bounty Hunter
5.       Furry Vengeance

Note nr 2. This is the latest movie by M. Night Shyamalan who made Sixth Sense a few years ago. Shame, the dude just cannot repeat the success of that movie.  Saw 3D is nr 6 on this list. I actually like the Saw films.

See the article here

Just to make this post even more interesting, metacritic also asked their users to vote for their favorite movies of 2010. But remember they do not necessarily have the best critic reviews, but were the most popular.

1.       Inception
2.       The Social Network
3.       Toy Story 3
4.       Black Swan
5.       Scott Pilgrim vs The World

They also voted for the worst movies of the year but they only mentioned the top 3.
1.       The Last Airbender
2.       Sex and the City 2
3.       Vampires Sick

They also asked their users to vote for their favorite game and TV show of the year. But I will leave that for another post. If you are interested, click here

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