
Thursday, December 30, 2010

England Cricket Team doing the sprinkler dance

I'm sure most of you know that England have retained the Ashes yesterday. Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!! Sorry about that, I'm not very fond of the Australian cricket team.

Anyway, check how the england team do the sprinkler dance.

Don't know whats up with they guy wearing the bikini....

Which properties to buy in Monopoly

Ever wondered what are the best properties to buy in Monopoly? Well I found an article by a guy  named Ivars Peterson who found the calculations.

The table shows the relative frequency of visits. The names that were used are according to the US board, so I have added the colours as well seeing that the South African boards have different names but still have the same colours. For the stations, I used a mix of 2 colours depending on between which colours the station is located. You can also use the square number to find out where the it is on the board.The shows us that Red and Orange have the highest probability of being landed on.

Now comes the very cool part, the return of your investment per colour group was calculated, once they have hotels. this was done by calculating the number of rolls required to to buy a complete set together with the break-even point.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Films of 2010

Check this clip which consists of 270 movies from 2010.

You can see the list of movies here.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Power Bands remove misleading statements

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time! Finally the people from the Power Balance Company admits that the magical powers you get from the bands cannot be scientifically proven. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have ordered Power Balance to
• remove misleading claims ( improves strength, balance etc)
• they must mention that they made claims that cannot be proven
• offer refunds to customers if needed
• remove the words “performance technology” from the band itself.

This is what is shown on their website

Go check the website here

Please spread the word! It is probably only applicable in Australia but hopefully in the near future it will apply to the rest of the world as well.

Thanks for the link Leon!

Transformers 3 Trailer

Check out the trailer of the latest Transfomers movie. I must admit it looks pretty cool. The 2nd movie got pretty terrible. Let's hope this one is better!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

AT AT Day Afternoon

This is absolutely awesome! If you are a Star Wars Fan, like me, you will also like this video done by Patrick Boiven. Thanks for the link Jean!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Qatar World Cup Bid

I'm sure most of you know that Qatar will be hosting the 2022 Fifa World Cup. After the awesome experience we had this year, and with the cool new stadiums they are promising, it should be quite cool!

Strange Interview of Brendan Venter

Check out the interview of Brendan Venter after his team lost to Racing Metro a couple of days ago. Very strange!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

1st Post


Welcome to my blog. This is my 1st post of many. I will be talking about Movie and Game reviews. I will try to make the posts as interesting as possible by adding videos or pictures. Sports will definitely also be covered. And last but not least, I will talk about geeky stuff as well. Yes the design of the page is boring at the moment but it will be updated as time goes along.
